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Polyurethane insulation material has a bright future

author :admintime :2021-07-10 17:09:07 Views

Information summary :

In order to further promote the development of green and energy-saving building materials, and let more development, design,

In order to further promote the development of green and energy-saving building materials, and let more development, design, construction, supervision, testing and other units and people understand polyurethane thermal insulation products and their characteristics, "China Polyurethane green and energy-saving East China regional summit forum" was held recently in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province. Relevant leaders and experts from China Polyurethane Research Institute, China flame retardant society, Shanghai Polyurethane Industry Association, Shanghai municipal construction and Management Commission, science and Technology Management Commission, Jiangsu Building Energy Conservation Association, etc. held in-depth exchanges and discussions on the good performance, market status and future prospects of polyurethane thermal insulation materials.

It is reported that polyurethane is the best energy-saving thermal insulation material at present, because of its long service life, good thermal insulation effect, strong temperature resistance, energy conservation and environmental protection, it is widely used in the fields of building thermal insulation and building fire prevention. Yang zongkun, former director of China Polyurethane Research Institute, believes that polyurethane not only has good heat insulation, flame retardant and sound insulation functions, but also has green, environmental protection and energy saving effects. However, due to cognitive reasons and price and other factors, "at present, China's market share is less than 10%, while polyurethane has a large share in the foreign insulation material market, with 57% in the United States and 32% in Japan." Qian Lijun, vice president of China Flame Retardant Society and associate professor of Beijing University of technology and industry, Gan Yongqin, President of Shanghai Polyurethane Industry Association, Chen Jidong, President of Jiangsu Building Energy Conservation Association, and other experts also expressed their views on the current use status of polyurethane thermal insulation materials and national industrial policies. According to reports, recently, polyurethane insulation materials have been included in the green building materials project by the Ministry of industry and information technology. In the development plan formulated by China Polyurethane Industry Association, the application rate of polyurethane materials will reach about 50% of thermal insulation materials in five years. This is undoubtedly a good news for the production and use of polyurethane.

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